Queer Talk with Malini Jeevarathinam
Love, Pride, Cinema and much more!!
Malini Jeevarathinam has always been one of the loudest queer voices actively participating and contributing to queer rights and inclusion. At a very young age, Malini went on to direct Ladies and Gentlewomen — a Tamil documentary film produced by Pa. Ranjith that was released in 2017. Ladies and Gentlewomen is probably the first ever lesbian film presented in Tamil scenario.
Malini shares her take on queer filmmaking and inclusion of queer community. “It is true that most of the Indian Queer movies on the internet are made by non-Queer people who have little experience on this topic. But the artistic freedom ensures every artist to imagine and express any form of content. And as a filmmaker, I believe every creator should be met with genderless outlook. Just observe them as an artist regardless of their gender or sexual identity. I would prefer any talented and well trained non-queer artist to an unequipped queer artist. At the end of the day, I am a creator and I want to present the best version of my stories to the audience. Having said that, research and efforts are the backbone of a good creation. If you want to tell a queer story, find a well- researched script and have it reviewed by an expert in the field. Apart from filmmaking, I help filmmakers by being their sensitivity reader. I go through the scripts before its production to ensure better representation of the queer community.
The history of the oppressed is always conveniently masked and buried. The past is always narrated by the oppressor and coloured by their bias. But now the oppressed have started to write their true history. We will now paint the history with rainbow and unveil the invisible. Pride walk during the pride month is one such event where all the hidden and muted voices flock hand in hand with their loved ones. The very famous stonewall riots that led to the uprising and ignition of LGBTQ rights all over the world started in June 1969. It has become a worldwide event that honors and celebrates millions of LGBTQIA+ activists and people. Pride month is the happiest celebration on earth. Its where our existence and identity are not questioned and it assures us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. The pride month brings together the like-minded community and empowers our personal values.
People are usually just sympathetic towards LGBTQ community and not empathetic. We have seen many Indian Parents who enjoy romance on the screen, but stand against their children’s love when their partner is from a different caste or religion. The same theory goes into the understanding of queer community. Though they may want to be a good ally, they have difficulty to process when someone from their own family comes out of the closet. But love comes in all shapes and colours. So, let’s not try to label them or put them under a category. Let’s just call it love and move on.
Finally, to all those who are locked up in their closets, take your time. But, when you decide to smash your walls, know that you can reach out to us. An entire community is waiting to embrace you. You don’t have to be scared anymore. We will hold your hand and you can walk with pride”
When a celebrity comes out of the closet, it definitely flatters few hearts and gives hope to the silenced. When Malini stood up for herself, she stood up for her entire community. She was one of the very few people who highlighted queer suicides at a time when people were more concerned about saving youth from this ‘sinful love’ and women were raped to make them “normal”. Malini’s Ladies and Gentlewomen spoke about such exact struggles.
LGBTQIA+ support groups like Orinam, Nirangal, Sahodharan, Pink People, Chennai Dost etc., are focused to help and advocate queer community in Chennai.
Want to be a good Ally? Book and Movie recommendations from Malini
1. Anthara Kanni, a collection of queer poetry by Leena Manimekalai
2. Sakhiyani : lesbian desire in ancient and modern India by Giti Thadani
3. Naan Vidhya (Tamil) and I Am Vidya: A Transgender’s Journey (English) by Living Smile Vidhya
4. Vellai Mozhi (Tamil) — Autobiography by A. Revathi
1. Sancharram (2004/Malayalam)
2. Boys Don’t Cry (1999) 3. Pride (2014)
4. Elisa & Marcela (2019)
5. Blue Is the Warmest Colour (2013)
Swetha Kannan
(photography : Amar Ramesh)